It is again that time of the year, time to look back on the year gone by and welcome the new one. I was not even thinking of doing this post as I do not have much to look back on, as far as this blog goes. But again, it is always nice to do recap of the year and welcome the new year with lots of resolutions, most of which are never implemented... 😉 So here I am, looking back on 2010 and sending this to Srivalli's Best of 2010. This is post is more of a recap of 2010 than a best of.
This year started off with me joining the Indian Cooking Challenge with lot of doubts, wondering if I really wanted to be part of this challenge. Most of the recipes for the challenge are traditional recipes that U and I are not really fond of. To my surprise, I loved the challenges and almost all the recipes turned out excellent. Thus far, I have missed only 3 challenges, 2 because I was traveling and the other because I did not have enough time to prepare it before the deadline. It was fun preparing some of the traditional Indian sweets and savories and am looking forward to more challenges next year.
This year, actually this October, I also joined the Sweet Punch and am loving baking their goodies. Their bakes are simple, easy and delicious.
This year, I missed baking sweet and simple bakes. That event was put on hold by the organizers due to personal reasons. Last year this was one event I always looked forward to participate in, no matter how busy I was.
Compared to last year, this year I was an active blogger, at least whenever I blogged. Even this year, I did not have a single post in the months of June and September, nonetheless, I have a total of 44 posts, including this one and another one I am going to post by the end of this year, 43 posts, compared to only 29 last year.
My favorite recipes that I tried and tasted this year are Cabbage Chutney and Lentils Vegetable Soup. I only blog the recipes I like and of all the recipes I tried and blogged here, these two recipes have become part of my regular menu. I have made cabbage chutney numerous times and whenever I am alone, lentils vegetable soup is my comfort food.
Last but not the least, this month, I finally got a domain name for MySpicyKitchen. I have been meaning to do since last year and have been procrastinating it ever since. My new URL is I hope to be an active blogger next year and wish you all a Happy 2011. See you all in the new year!
Oh, I forgot to mention, I won a free cookbook giveaway Priya hosted this December. The book arrived just before the holidays and I am very excited to cook some of the recipes from the book. I already tried one and it came out pretty good!
Sushma Mallya says
Wish you and your family a very happy & a prosperous new year
vandana rajesh says
Congrats on ur new home..wishing u and family a happy and prosperous 2011.
notyet100 says
congrats for new space,..
wish ya great yr ahead
sayantani says
beautifully wrote. congrats on moving to this more spacious space of your own 😉
Srivalli says
What a lovely was good to have you for ICC though you missed some..hope you can do all of them this year..:)